Category=Windows Tweaks::System::Command Prompt::Prompt Text
Caption=Prompt Text
#=When you start a Command Prompt, it will display a prompt where you can enter the command. This tweak allows you to change the format of the prompt to show additional information instead of just the current drive and path ("C:\>").
#=\n\nSpecial Codes
#=\n$A - &
#=\n$B - |
#=\n$C - (
#=\n$D - Current date
#=\n$F - )
#=\n$G - >
#=\n$L - <
#=\n$N - Current drive
#=\n$P - Current drive and path
#=\n$Q - =
#=\n$S - space
#=\n$T - Current time
#=\n$V - Windows XP version number
#=\n$_ - new line
#=\n$$ - $
#=\n%USERNAME% - Current Username
#=\n%COMPUTERNAME% - Local computer name
#=\n%USERDOMAIN% - Local domain name
#=\n\nThe default prompt is "$P$G" (i.e, "C:\>"). Some examples:
#=\n[%computername%]$S$P$G to show the computer, drive and path
#=\n[%username%]$S$P$G to show the current user, drive and path
#=\n\nTo restore the original value, simply clear the field and hit Apply.